News Releases

March 19, 2024

Belding Farms Regrets Decision by Groundwater District  

FORT STOCKTON, Texas (March 19, 2024) — Belding Farms, a pecan grower in Fort Stockton, expressed regret over a decision by the Middle Pecos Groundwater Conservation District declining to consider changing district rules to add protections for the Edwards-Trinity Aquifer that underlies Pecos County and feeds Comanche Springs.
September 5, 2023

Belding Farms Petitions Groundwater District to Strengthen Rules

FORT STOCKTON, Texas (Sept. 5, 2023) — Belding Farms, a pecan grower in Fort Stockton, filed a petition with the Middle Pecos Groundwater Conservation District (GCD) to strengthen rules intended to protect the Edwards-Trinity Aquifer that underlies Pecos County and feeds Comanche Springs.
May 9, 2023

Belding Farms Moves to Halt Renewal of Groundwater Permit

Belding Farms, a 60-year-old pecan farm in Fort Stockton, has taken legal steps to halt renewal of a groundwater permit to export water out of Pecos County to protect its water rights and those of all others and to ensure sustainability of the aquifer.
April 26, 2021

Legislative Bills Could Advance Sustainable Groundwater Management

Drought conditions are now confronting 75% of Texas, putting more pressure on critical water supplies. Thirty-two cities or water supply entities in Texas are under voluntary or mandatory water restrictions. Flows in a majority of river basins across South Central Texas have dropped below or far below normal. And the Edwards Aquifer, which stretches across thousands of acres in South Central Texas and serves San Antonio, has dropped nearly 10 feet below average levels for March...